Waterproofing materials
Single-component, waterproof sealant based on polyurethane. Used for sealing joints, panels, shafts, manholes, and pipe lead throughs. -
Permanent one-component flexible sealant, which hardens through humidity to a flexible product. Used for sealing joints subject to deformation, such as industrial plants and roads. -
Single-channel injection hose. Used for sealing construction and built joints.
Proofmate FD-Foil
A 1 mm elastic waterproofing foil. Used as sealing foil within the system Proofmate FD. -
Proofmate Z-foil
A 1.5 mm elastic waterproofing foil. Used for waterproofing joints in masonry.
Proofmate F
One-component adhesive compound based on silane-modified polymer, which turns into elastic product when in contact with moisture. -
Proofmate RV
Low-viscosity sealing compound used as edge sealant, which turns into elastic product when in contact with moisture. -
Hydropox SF
Two-component coarse-grained mortar based on epoxy resin. Used for for repairing indoor and outdoor concrete surfaces.